
FOC algorithm function

 FOC control algorithm refers to:the motor in the three-phase system of stator ac current Ia,Ib,Ic,by three phase - two phase transformation (CLARK transformation),equivalent to two phase static www.facebook.com/guohong.trading coordinates system,ac current Ia1Ib1 again by pressing the rotor field-oriented rotation transform (PARK transformation),equivalent to dc current Im1,It1 under synchronous rotating coordinate system (Im1 is equivalent to motor parts the excitation current of dc motor; It1 and torque is proportional to the armature current),and then imitate the dc motor control method,control of dc motor is obtained. Then use the PARK transformation,the CLARK transformation transform dc control volume for the required three intersection traffic,and then control the motor. Since fan motor 341 with no transfer of control method,and the beginning of the beginning of 341 does not start in a closed-loop manner,its startup mode is as follows:first,by applying specific to the motor vector,forcing the rotor moves to the specified lamination location (PARK). To PARK at the end of the open loop operation of electric Angle as the starting point,and reach the threshold speed closed-loop model,after if magnetic flux test is successful,achieve real closed-loop control,implement FOC control algorithm.

