The selection of magnetic beads
1. The unit of magnetic beads is the ohm, rather than a hunter, pay special attention on this point. Because the fan motor unit of magnetic beads are according to it stator motor electric at a particular frequency impedance to nominal, the unit of impedance is the ohm. Magnetic beads on the DATASHEET will generally provide the generator set characteristics of frequency generator and impedance graph, generally it is a standard with 100 MHZ, such as 1000 r @ 100 MHZ, which means at the time of 100 MHZ frequency magnetic bead the impedance of the equivalent of 600 ohms.
2. induction motor prices The average filter is made up of lossless reactive element, its role in the line is to single phase ac motor stop band frequency reflected back generator to the source, so this kind of filter also called reflection filter. When reflection filter and signal source impedance mismatch, there will be a part of the energy is reflected back Water pump to the source, causing interference level enhancement. To solve the problems, can be used in filter into online ferrite auto spare parts beads or three-phase asynchronous motor gost magnetic beads, use zi rings or magnetic beads on high frequency signal of eddy current loss, the high frequency component is converted into heat loss. So the copper and magnetic beads absorption effect to the high frequency components, so sometimes also called absorption filter.
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