electric fan motor triangle after operation,the motor terminal wiring mainly contactor U1 V1
W1,triangle contactor after W2 U2 V2! Q:if the contactor triangle three lines to connect the V2 W2 U2 what language will appear the phenomenon - normal operation;Current increase,Star triangle screw to acmotortrading.blogspot.com instead? Cover the shape of the contactor of by W2 U2 V2
into V2 W2 U2,can be divided into two steps:1,the stator V2 U2 W2 swap W2 V2 motor
to change 2,V2 W2 U2 swaps U2 W2 motor to change Such as the motor to change two times,is back to the original correct steering,so it is no problem,can be normal Operation.